Imagine me, waking up around 5:30ish - groggy and over tired. Feeling my way out of bed, blinded by absolute darkness... well save for the big flashing digital light on my stereo, anyway...
...I feel my hand hit something, cold and then I hear the crash. I turn a light on and le gasp! I have broken my idiotically expensive bottle of Angel (the perfume I wear normally) and it's soaking second by second into my rug. In moments my entire room smells like patchouli and thus begins my depressing, god-awful Monday... Until! I sign on this morning and have a review folder waiting for me with some of the most fun hairstyles/bags and jewelry I've seen in a while!

House of Heart is located on the Tropical Escape sim - formerly (and currently still) Bewitched Hair - they've decided that for their two year anniversary they'd not only switch locations, but switch it up on the name front too. Above, is a photograph of the new store along with the vast color demo selection they've put up for your obvious hair pleasure.

karas hair in coffe bean | go green produce bag
It's not just the trendy thing to do, it's the healthy thing to do - and seeing it in SL made me giggle and extremely pleased! This adorable Go Green produce bag comes complete with stance and is the perfect accessory for when you don't feel like carrying around those cute penguins everyone's got!

natasja hair in wheat | chicago bag v.1
Here's a style I dig - mainly because it's got the "it really took two hours to do my hair to make you think I just let my hair airdry" potential. RL or SL - that's no easy task to create. The bag is also my favorite, and also comes in two different versions.

the legend hair in natural blonde | soho necklace in silver
The color blonde is near perfection in my book - and the curls are playful and cute. The necklace is incredible, and though somewhat simplistic - it's the perfect accessory for that reason, adding little dashes of color through an otherwise colorbland outfit. This combo's one of my favorites.

elusive hair in rosewood | organic necklace
Everytime I switched hair and jewelry, it just kept getting better. This necklace is insanely good - and it's rustic appearance means you can dress it up or dress it down. The hair is playful and fun while still appearing stylish and sexy in that quick, no nonsense way.

feral hair in brown | draped beads necklace
This hair made me squeal in delight. I love big hair, but most of all I love big, messy hair! And this is so much damn fun to wear. Like, the organic necklace, this can be both dressed up and down - the necklace is charming and compliments a variety of other styles as well.

haley hair in horizon
Again with the no fuss hair - I love the attention being drawn to making these styles appear a little undone - carefree if you will. I don't know if that was intention or sheer accidental yummy-ness but either way I'm a fan. A big one.

joss hair in birch, sequined clutch in lilac
The hair, style wise (or shall I say "cut") - is similar enough to a few other styles out there, but it's the unique (and again!) flawless execution of just putting it together that makes this style stand out. The bag and its pose are both adorable, and make me want to carry a handbag 24/7.
Basically, what all of this means is that you need to not only go to House of Heart, but you need to have a look around - grab a few of the above mentioned styles to celebrate their grand opening and I dare you to tell me you don't love them as much as I do.
House of Heart Designs, Tropical Escape (127,70,23)