I received the note card promoting moosh a few days ago and decided to check it out.
I found it to be a really well done and adorable place to shop, with stores that you don't see everywhere or all over the grid. It lacked that common pretentiousness that seems to be all the rage in SL's shopping establishments.
And unfortunately - if you didn't see it in the short time that it was opened, chances are it might take you awhile to see it again.
Moosh was co-owned by partners Elizabeth Hallstrom and Dane Kabo. Unfortunately, due to problematic events in their personal life - Dane felt it necessary to autoreturn/delete some of the shopping district's stores and contents.
There is one parcel with seven stores remaining. Making this appear to be more of an act of malicious intent than an unhappy accident.
Elizabeth Hallstrom, now the ONLY owner of moosh, is obviously devestated. She is also "humiliated" by the turn of events, and wants people to know that she would never have done anything so careless and thoughtless to other people's property. Hallstrom is dilligently working to restore moosh as was before the deletion.
The deletion of sims, or other people's creations, seems to be running rampant in SL these days. And I hate to see store designers being put in likewise turmoil anywhere.
Let's hope this is one that gets turned around and that Elizabeth can keep her chin up and find what she needs to move forward with moosh so that we, as fashionistas, can continue to have "homey" places to shop.
edit: elizabeth has requested a rollback, I'm not sure how those work but from what I've been told that might fix the whole problem?
Thank you so much your kind words. As I said in another post, it does take two to tango but unfortunately the situation between Dane and I was not kept between us. I apologize to all who effected and want to thank the vendors for their patience and to send thanks for the support of the sim owner, Homer Antler, Babyhoney and my close friends.
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